We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired, sufficient, and authoritative.

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the lordship of Jesus Christ, His deity, His virgin birth, His work of atonement for sin, His bodily resurrection, and His second coming.

We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration and sanctification.

We believe in justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

We believe in the eternal blessedness of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost.

We believe our mission to be found as stated in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8.

We believe in the historic principles of the Baptist denomination: the lordship of Jesus Christ, authority of the Scriptures, priesthood of the believer, soul liberty, regenerate church membership, believer’s baptism by immersion, celebration of the Lord’s Supper, local church autonomy, and separation of church and state.

We adhere to the practices and theological positions of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.


Our Core Values

We are a congregation that values faith, love, integrity, teamwork, and growth.


We strive to be wholly devoted followers of Jesus Christ, believing the Bible is God’s divinely inspired Truth.


We are called to love all. We seek to care for one another, our community, and the world; meeting each person at their level without self-interest.


We are to be models of integrity, striving to be authentic, honest Christ-followers, modeling the character of Jesus.


We value teamwork, knowing it is both a privilege and responsibility to collaborate for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Only together are we fully and powerfully Christ’s hands and feet, offering our varied gifts to share God’s love with our greater community.


We believe in growing spiritually through teaching and personal study of God’s Word; growing in wisdom, knowledge, and relationships. This includes the strong focus on the spiritual growth of children and youth through all the above values. We invest in next generations, as Jesus also did.